Thursday, May 9, 2019

Free Bridge, Dollarway, Arkansas Roads, Part IV

100 Years Ago: The Free Bridge, the
Dollarway, and Arkansas Roads,
Part IV

By David Trulock

Part III of this series briefly described the longtime efforts to build a bridge across the Arkansas River at Pine Bluff—efforts that ultimately resulted in the construction of Jefferson County’s Free Bridge during 1914 and early 1915.  That story ended in April 1915 with a rather curious situation. The bridge itself was ready for wagon and automobile traffic. It was even deemed to be one of the finest in the country and “certainly the best that spans the Arkansas River” by the Corps of Engineers inspector who approved it.   But the roads on both ends of the bridge at that time were dirt roads with tree stumps still to be removed and grading and ditching still to be done.  The bridge had been constructed using the river to transport materials, equipment and men.

The engineer who inspected and approved the bridge was Major Alfred B. Putnam, a Massachusetts native and West Point graduate who had served in numerous locations in the United States and as commander of the Battalion of Engineers at Fort DeRussy, Hawaii. Just prior to being stationed in Little Rock, he had served in the Panama Canal Zone. (The Canal was completed in 1914.)  With that background, Major Putnam was unlikely to be engaging in hyperbole in his statement regarding the Free Bridge.  But he was covering a lot of miles of river in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Colorado in making it. 

If we confine ourselves to the Arkansas River within the borders of Arkansas, the wagon and automobile bridges existing at the time were in Fort Smith and Little Rock. One of these, the Baring Cross railroad bridge, built in 1873, had been modified to also carry autos and wagons. There were of course also railroad-only bridges at Little Rock and Fort Smith and at other locations along the Arkansas River by 1915.  One reason for the Free Bridge to be a better bridge than any of these was that it had been designed from the beginning to carry rail traffic down the center plus automobile and wagon traffic on the cantilevered “driveways” along its sides.

At the time the Free Bridge opened there was a bridge of this same design being built over the Mississippi River, connecting Memphis and West Memphis. The Harahan Bridge, as it came to be called, opened for rail traffic in 1916 and for wagon and auto traffic in 1917. 

These types of bridges were not uncommon at the time, but were usually planned and built by railroad companies, using whatever local financial help they could find for building the driveways (also called wagonways) along the sides.  As discussed in Part I in this series, the Free Bridge was not associated with a rail line and was never used to carry rail traffic, although north-south rail lines were planned by various Pine Bluff investors before and after the bridge was built.   These planned railroad companies were meant to compete with the established east-west routes of the Cotton Belt and Missouri Pacific, and at one time the Cotton Belt line itself expressed an interest in expanding its operations to the north by using the Free Bridge tracks. None of these plans ever reached fruition, and the railroad tracks were removed from the bridge in 1926.

The tracks were helpful in one way, however.  Cass Ussery, the longtime caretaker of the Free Bridge and operator of its lift span, used a handcar on the tracks from 1915 to 1926 in order to quickly get from one end of the bridge to the other.  (Mr. Ussery, not a man to be trifled with, will appear again in a later installment of this series.)  There was also some serendipity associated with the middle section of the bridge even after the tracks were removed.  Farm equipment, which got bigger as time passed, was able to use the center section of the bridge, as could wider-than-normal loads carried by large trucks.

Unlike the bridges for automobiles and wagons at Fort Smith and Little Rock, the Pine Bluff bridge that had been planned and discussed for so long wound up not being in the city or even on the edge of the city. Building a bridge to replace the ferry from the northern edge of downtown to Boyd’s Point was what most people expected would be done, but engineers who scouted locations for a bridge wisely cautioned that the Arkansas River’s extraordinary loop southward at Pine Bluff made the future location of the river here uncertain. A straighter portion of the river six miles north of the city was eventually chosen for the bridge.

Although a lot of thought was given to the location of the bridge, not much planning was done in regard to connecting roads—at least not until the bridge had already been built. The ferry from the city’s downtown area to Boyd’s Point was still in use after the Free Bridge opened, and there was apparently little pressure to get roads built on either end of the bridge.  It wasn’t until August 1915 that a petition to build a macadam road to the bridge was signed by a majority of landowners along the route and was filed with the county court. This was the first step in forming a Road Improvement District.  The petition called for construction of a 4 ½ mile long macadam road to the bridge, starting from the intersection of Cedar (now University Drive) and Saracen streets. This location was coincidentally only a few hundred yards east of the southern end of the then-new Dollarway Road at Pullen Street near the entrance to Bellwood Cemetery. 

Because of numerous floods, including a fairly large one in 1916, the Arkansas River did indeed change its course at Pine Bluff over the years. Finally, in 1965, during the construction of the McClellan-Kerr navigation system, the formerly notorious Boyd Point Cut-off was dredged to create a new river channel.  This cut-off is where a Corps of Engineers levee was illegally dynamited during the 1908 flood to prevent the Courthouse from being swept away.  The citizenry of Pine Bluff had years earlier requested the levee be built to keep the river flowing next to the city; the Corps refused the city’s request in 1908 to remove the levee.  So some citizens—to this day not publicly named—took matters in their own hands.

When Boyd Point Cut-off was dredged in 1965, the former river channel—which by then had receded several miles northeast of the city—was simultaneously closed off, creating the Port of Pine Bluff and Lake Langhoffer. Although late 19th Century and early 20th Century residents could not have imagined Pine Bluff existing without a steamboat landing at the foot of the downtown business district, changing the course of the river turned out to be a good thing for the city.


Major Alfred Burpee Putnam, the inspector of the Free Bridge, died of malaria on June 8, 1915, in Little Rock. He was 37 years old. He was survived by his wife, Myrtie Maud (Harris) Putnam, and their 15 year old son, Melville H. Putnam.

Little Rock’s original Baring Cross Bridge, along with its added-on auto and wagon “highway,” was washed away by the flood of 1927.  A new railroad-only Baring Cross Bridge built by Missouri Pacific opened in 1929. The lift span of this bridge had to be modified in 1967 to suit the requirements of the McClellan-Kerr navigation project. Those same requirements plus increased highway traffic on the Free Bridge led to its replacement by a new bridge in 1972.  However, the Free Bridge—vindicating Major Putnam’s judgment—not only survived the flood of 1927 but also provided a safe refuge for many people during it.

The Harahan Bridge is still in use as a railroad bridge. A project to convert the old wagonways along its sides into bicycle and pedestrian usage, connecting Main Street in Memphis with Broadway in West Memphis, is scheduled to be completed this year. 

Published in the Spring 2016 issue of the Jefferson County Historical Quarterly.  An article I wrote using excerpts from this Free Bridge and Dollarway series was published in the online version of the Pine Bluff Commercial just before Hillary Clinton's visit in February.