Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Classical Electron: Planck's dipole resonators


          In the same year the electron was discovered, the first theoretical expression for radiation damping was derived by Max Planck in his research on the relation between the energy and entropy of the electromagnetic field as it interacts with small “dipole resonators”.[i]  Using the assumption of incident electromagnetic plane waves polarized parallel to the dipole axis, Planck found an equation relating the incident electric field to the electric dipole moment of the resonators:

K p(x,t)  +  L d2p(x,t)/dt2  (2/3c3) d3p(x,t)/dt3 = E(x,t)

where, in Gaussian units, E(x,t) is the incident electric field, K and L are resonator-dependent constants,  and p(x,t) is the dipole moment of the resonator. Planck showed that when the resonator’s conditions are such that its energy changes slowly in comparison with variations in the incident field--when damping is much slower than the frequency of the incident electromagnetic wave--the third time derivative can be replaced with a first time derivative.  (This is simple harmonic oscillation approximation.)  The result is

K p(x,t)  +  L d2p(x,t)/dt2  +  (2K/3c3L) dp(x,t)/dt  =  E(x,t)

This equation is of the form used in the classical model of the atom.

          Planck was searching for an explanation via electrodynamics for the increase in entropy of closed systems, the observed macroscopic irreversibility in time not predicted by mechanical equations of motion, which are time reversal invariant.

          The appearance of the damping terms in the resonator equations implies a partial breaking of the forward and backward symmetry in time, since first derivatives and third derivatives with respect to time  change sign when t (time) changes sign.  Planck called radiation damping “conservative damping” in order to distinguish it from the dissipative effects of non-conservative damping forces such as friction.[ii]  Planck’s work, however, did not lead him to an explanation of entropy based on electrodynamics.  As Kuhn[iii] explains:

Through most of the year 1897, Planck continued to believe that he could prove irreversibility directly, without the aid of any statistical or other special hypotheses.  That proof had been his initial objective in taking up the black-body problem at all.  But by the spring of 1898 he had recognized that that goal could not possibly be achieved, and the concepts deployed in his subsequent papers came more and more to resemble those developed by Boltzmann for gas theory.

Though Planck was not successful at explaining entropy from fundamental electrodynamics, his research resulted in his postulate that a charged oscillator must emit and absorb radiation only in discrete amounts--the idea that gave birth to quantum mechanics in 1900.

[i] T. S. Kuhn, Black-Body Theory and the Quantum Discontinuity, 1894-1912, (Oxford University Press, New York,  1978) p. 33.
[ii] M. S. Longair, Theoretical Concepts in Physics, (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1984)
[iii] Kuhn, p. 36.