Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Classical Electron: Conclusion


          This thesis began with a comparison of  some similarities between mass and electric charge.  The particular similarity of interest is the inertia of both mass and charge, their tendency to resist being accelerated.  The main concepts are radiation reaction, electromagnetic mass and renormalization, as applied to classical models of the electron.

          Radiation reaction can be seen as something of a fundamental electrodynamic feedback process, and as such can introduce unstable solutions to the electron’s equations of motion.  As discussed in Section 4.2, the instabilities can be avoided by an appropriate choice of radius for a spherical surface charge model of the electron.  Numerically, the minimum value of the radius for this case is 2/3 the classical electron radius,

 Although the model predicts a stable electron, it does not seem to agree with current experimental evidence.  High energy scattering experiments indicate the upper limit on the radius of the electron is on the order of 10-18 meter.[i]   According to the extended charge delay-differential equation discussed in Section 4.2, a radius this small means the electromagnetic mass of the electron is greater than its experimental mass m, and therefore the model electron is unstable with respect to runaway solutions.

          Classical physics, however, is generally considered inapplicable for length scales close to the electron’s Compton wavelength,  on the order of 10-12 meter.  Thus the classical electron is something of a contradiction in terms.  In the quantum realm, however, if the Compton wavelength formally replaces the electron radius, the extended charge model can be taken to the point limit without runaway solutions or pre-acceleration.   According to Sharp,[ii] “It is the fact that there is a new length scale in quantum theory which allows this to happen.”

          In classical field theory, the old dream of unifying general relativity with electromagnetism is still being pursued.  According to Cooperstock,[iii] in general relativity “the Kerr-Newman metric reveals a gyromagnetic ratio which agrees with that of the electron,” which appears promising for classically describing electron spin.  However, Cooperstock also points out that in a system of units that give charge and mass in centimeters, “whenever gravity plays a significant role, the charge-to-mass ratio e/m  is [expected to be] of order unity or less,” whereas the experimental value in these units is approximately 1021.

          In both the quantum and classical realms, renormalization raises the question of how much of the electron’s observed or experimental mass is mechanical or bare and how much is electromagnetic.  Classically, electrodynamics and relativity provide a way to answer the question, although the answer still contains ambiguities.[iv]

          Relativity says electromagnetic mass cannot be measured dynamically as a separate entity from mechanical mass.  When this news first arrived in the physics community in 1905, it dampened the hopes of determining whether the mass of the electron is entirely electromagnetic.  At the same time, Poincaré’s solution to the 4/3 problem gave a partial answer to that very question--although the  entire mass of the Abraham-Lorentz electron can be electromagnetic, it is not a stable charge distribution. 

          Poincaré’s solution leads to a question:  Why is the Abraham-Lorentz electromagnetic mass greater than the Einstein field-energy electromagnetic mass?  Feynman[v] points out that, because of the necessity of the Poincaré stresses--which must be added to the Abraham-Lorentz model to make it agree with the field energy model--it is “impossible to get all of the mass to be electromagnetic in the way we hoped.”

          Panofsky and Phillips[vi] say that the force accounting for stability is due to mass:  “The electromagnetic mass of the electron does not account for the entire mass;  the electron must have nonelectromagnetic mass of unknown origin to account for its stability.”

          In common with other references consulted for this thesis, Feynman and Panofsky and Phillips do not explicitly say that the “mass of unknown origin” can be considered to be responsible for the binding energy of the classical electron.  The more massive Abraham-Lorentz model is electrostatically unstable when compared to the smaller electromagnetic mass of the field energy calculation.  This is comparable to the mass deficit (or mass defect) of a nucleus, where the missing mass of the nucleus as compared with its separated nucleons is the binding energy of the nucleus.

          Since the Abraham-Lorentz electromagnetic mass is 4/3 times greater than the Einstein field-energy electromagnetic mass, the binding energy term is 1/3 the field energy electromagnetic mass,


so that the spherical shell charge has a binding energy of

This is the work required to assemble the shell of charge.[vii]  The physical meaning of this amount of energy in a realistic setting is unclear.

          What is lacking at the present time is a theory relating the mass and charge of the electron, proton, and other elementary particles.  The need for such a theory was mentioned by Oppenheimer[viii] in 1930, when he found that “it is impossible on the present theory to eliminate the interaction of a charge with its own field,” which led to predicted infinite energy level shifts in atoms. Oppenheimer concluded:  “It appears improbable that the difficulties discussed in this work will be soluble without an adequate theory of the masses of the electron and proton; nor is it certain that such a theory will be possible on the basis of the special theory of relativity.”  Although the problem of the infinite electromagnetic mass of the electron was fixed by the renormalization procedure of quantum electrodynamics, Oppenheimer and also Dirac[ix] believed that some new theory was necessary.  Such a new theory has not yet been developed.

          There are two ways to look at the problems posed by the classical electron model.  Why not just say that an electron is given to us as a point charge and there is no sense in asking what its structure is?  That is the working assumption of quantum electrodynamics.  The answer to that question--the other way to look at the classical model of the electron--is contained in the questions about the electron’s (and proton’s) charge and mass posed in the Introduction.  An improved classical relativistic theory of the electron could lead to an improved quantum theory, and that could lead to a theory that explains and relates the charges and masses of the elementary particles.

[i] F. I. Cooperstock, “Non-linear gauge invariant field theories of the electron and other elementary particles,” in The Electron: New Theory and Experiment, ed. D. Hestenes and A. Weingartshofer (Kluwer, Dortrecht, 1991), pp. 171-181.
[ii] D. H. Sharp, p. 130.
[iii] Cooperstock,  p. 176.
[iv] F. Rohrlich, “The dynamics of a charged sphere and the electron,” Am. J. Phys. 65, 1051-1056 (1997).  The discussion of such issues is in the appendix of  this paper, although the electron is not what is being discussed.
[v] Feynman, et al, p. 28-4.
[vi] Wolfgang Panofsky and Melba Phillips, Classical Electricity and Magnetism (Addison-Wesley, Reading MA, 1955), p. 320.
[vii] T. H. Boyer, p. 3250.  Instead of using the term “work”, Boyer says this extra energy is needed “to maintain the validity of the force-momentum balance.”
[viii] J.R. Oppenheimer, p. 477.
[ix] P.A.M. Dirac, Directions in Physics, ed. H. Hora and J.R. Shepanski (Wiley, New York, 1978) p. 37.