Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Classical Electron: Intro

(This is my master's thesis in physics, Southwest Texas State University, 1998.  SWT is now called Texas State University-San Marcos.  My thesis, which is called The Binding Energy of the Classical Electron, is more history and its interpretation than actual physics.  This blog version is being edited by me as I have time.  At the moment it doesn't have the equations that are supposed to go with it.  I hope to include them after I figure out how to do that!)


          In the 100 years since the discovery of the electron, no one has produced a satisfactory answer to the most elementary questions about this first inhabitant of what has been called[i] the subatomic particle zoo.  Although it has been defined by precise measurements of its charge, charge-to-mass ratio, and magnetic moment, and even though the experimental value of magnetic moment fits very snugly into the calculational confines of quantum electrodynamics, the electron is still a mystery.  Why does it have the charge and mass it has?  Why is the charge precisely the same as the proton’s charge (but opposite in sign), and why do the electron and proton have the charge-to-mass ratios they have?  Until these conceptual questions are answered and the mass and charge of the electron are predicted by a theory, rather than inserted as parameters in quantum electrodynamics as they are now, we cannot say we understand what an electron is.

           The discovery of the electron in 1897 was accomplished by J. J. Thomson’s experimental determination of the charge-to-mass ratio for the formerly unexplained cathode rays, showing that the “rays” are actually streams of charged particles.  Several kinematical or dynamical similarities between charge and mass indicate the charge-to-mass ratio is of fundamental importance in the development of a theory of the electron:   Point charges and point masses produce inverse square fields, charge and mass are both relativistic invariants (scalars)--although mass is often improperly described as varying with velocity,[ii] and charge and mass both resist being accelerated.  Mass resists acceleration because of its mysterious property called inertia.  Charge resists acceleration because it creates a time-dependent electromagnetic field when accelerated and, in conserving momentum, the field reacts back on the charge with a force called the radiation reaction force. 

          The radiation reaction phenomenon has been chosen as the subject of this thesis because the difficulties which arose in classical models of the electron’s radiation reaction have not been solved by quantum electrodynamics. The phenomenon of radiation reaction also represents a partial unification of the ideas of charge and mass, because the radiation reaction force causes an electron to act as if it has an electromagnetic mass in addition to its bare or mechanical mass.  This apparent combination of two kinds of inertial mass--and their apparent inseparability--is a problem “we still don’t understand,” as Pais says.[iii]

           In classical electrodynamics, the Maxwell equations are used to calculate fields when charges and currents are specified, or fields can be given and the distributions of charge and current calculated.  Forces on charge and current distributions can also be calculated from the Lorentz force equation.  As Jackson[iv] notes, however, both regimes usually ignore the radiation reaction effect, partly because there is “negligible error” when acceleration of charges is not extremely rapid, and partly because “a completely satisfactory treatment of the reactive effects of radiation does not exist.”

          Although quantum electrodynamics has been successful in giving precise calculations of radiative effects, it fails to put such calculations on a sound theoretical foundation.  As Jackson[v] says:

The difficulties presented by this problem touch one of the most fundamental aspects of physics, the nature of an elementary particle....One might hope that the transition from classical to quantum-mechanical treatments would remove the difficulties....It is one of the triumphs of comparatively recent years (1948-1950) that the concepts of Lorentz covariance and gauge invariance were exploited sufficiently cleverly to circumvent these difficulties in quantum electrodynamics and so allow the calculation of very small radiative effects to extremely high precision, in full agreement with experiment.  From a fundamental point of view, however, the difficulties still remain.

          One very significant domain where accelerations of a charge are rapid enough that the radiation reaction force cannot be neglected is in classical and quantum models of light emission and absorption by atoms.  Because of the oscillatory nature of the electron’s motion in this case, radiation reaction is called radiation damping.  In the classical model of light emission and absorption, the electron is bound to the nucleus by a linear (Hooke’s law) restoring force, and there is a velocity-dependent radiation damping term in the equation of motion of the electron.  However, this velocity-dependent term is just the simple harmonic motion approximation to the more general case where radiation damping is proportional to  , the rate of change of acceleration. 

          The need for a rate of change of acceleration in a single-particle force law is the distinguishing characteristic of radiation reaction. The presence of   in the electron’s equation of motion--the classical Abraham-Lorentz equation--leads to physically senseless solutions.  In one case, exponentially increasing “runaway” solutions are predicted.  Choosing reasonable asymptotic conditions on the electron’s acceleration and avoiding the runaway solutions leads to “pre-acceleration,” the electron accelerating before an external force is applied. These problems are discussed in Chapter 2 of this thesis.

          Another difficulty of both classical and quantum electrodynamic models of radiation reaction is that the electromagnetic mass of a point electron is infinite.  This subject is discussed in Chapter 3, along with the so-called “4/3 problem”--a disagreement between relativistic and purely electrodynamic predictions of the electromagnetic mass of a spherical shell of charge.  In Chapter 4, classical models of the point charge electron and the extended spherical shell electron are discussed, and the spherical shell model is shown to be free of the difficulties of runaway solutions, pre-acceleration, and infinite electromagnetic mass.

          In Chapter 5, Discussion and Conclusion, the 4/3 problem is  considered as logical consequence of the classical electron requiring a relativistic binding energy, just as a nucleus has a binding energy holding together its positively charged protons.  The problem of predicting the observed stability of the electron is also discussed.

          This thesis seeks to put into perspective the classical ideas of radiation reaction and electromagnetic mass, and to discuss how the classical ideas might influence quantum electrodynamics and thereby improve our understanding of the electron as an elementary particle.

[i] Cindy Schwarz, A Tour of the Subatomic Zoo:  A Guide to Particle Physics , 2nd ed. (American Institute of Physics, New York, 1997).
[ii] Lev B. Okun, “The Concept of Mass,”  Physics Today, June 1989; Carl G. Adler, “Does mass really depend on velocity, Dad?” Am. J. Phys. 55, 739-743 (1987).
[iii] Abraham Pais, ‘Subtle is the Lord...’: The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein  (Oxford University Press, New York, 1982), p.155.
[iv] J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd ed. (Wiley, New York, 1975), p. 781.
[v] Ibid.