Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Classical Electron: Charge Geometry



          The infinite electromagnetic mass of a point electron can be avoided by some method of renormalization that makes the electromagnetic mass zero.  This is the antithesis of Lorentz’s idea that all the mass of the electron should be electromagnetic, yet it is precisely the solution proposed by Dirac in 1938:[i]

One of the most attractive ideas in the Lorentz model of the electron, the idea that all mass is of electromagnetic origin, appears at the present time to be wrong, for two separate reasons.  First the discovery of the neutron has provided us with a form of mass which it is very hard to believe could be of electromagnetic nature.  Secondly, we have the theory of the positron--a theory in agreement with experiment so far as is known--in which positive and negative values for the mass of an electron play symmetrical roles.  This cannot be fitted in with the electromagnetic idea of mass, which insists on all mass being positive, even in abstract theory.

Dirac accomplished the elimination of electromagnetic mass in the point charge model of the electron by keeping both the retarded and advanced field solutions to Maxwell’s equations.  An explanation of Dirac’s theory requires some more discussion of how the Abraham-Lorentz model fits into Maxwell’s theory.

          In fact, the theory of Abraham and Lorentz is only based on the Maxwell equations insofar as it uses the retarded vector potentials of Liénard and Wiechert.  Thus, Erber[ii] says, the Abraham-Lorentz equation and its early relativistic generalizations, are “largely phenomenological.” Dirac, in contrast, applied the Maxwell equations and the relativistic Lorentz force equation to the self-interaction of a charged particle, then adopted “boundary conditions different from the ‘logical’ one in which only retarded fields are allowed.”[iii]

          The retarded fields are responsible for the retarded self-force computed by Lorentz and Abraham (from ),

and the advanced fields--at least from a mathematical point of view--cause an advanced self-force obtained by replacing t  with -t , giving[iv]


          Dirac’s elimination of the electromagnetic mass term is then accomplished by taking one-half the difference of the advanced and retarded self-interactions,


The electromagnetic mass term in the retarded force cancels the one in the advanced force equation.  Higher order terms that don’t cancel in this subtraction are all proportional to positive powers of the model electron’s radius, which causes them to become identically zero when the point charge limit is taken.

          Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler[v] give the fully relativistic result of Dirac’s calculation (in four-vector notation and Gaussian units) as


where t is proper time and Fmn is the electromagnetic field strength tensor.  These authors then comment:  “Every acceptable line of reasoning has always led to [this] expression.  It also represents the field required to reproduce the long-known and thoroughly tested law of radiation damping.”

          However, the long-known theory of radiation damping--that is, radiation reaction in the case of general oscillatory motion--has no runaway solution.  As discussed in Section 2.4, the general solution for the acceleration in the radiation reaction equation shows an exponential increase with time.  The relativistic version of the equation is no different in that respect.[vi]

          For the solution in terms of the acceleration given in Section 2.4,


Dirac’s resolution of the runaway nature of this equation was to propose the asymptotic initial condition


which gives the general solution[vii]

This equation says that an acceleration at time t  is caused by a force acting at time later than t , which violates the common notion of causality.  

          The reasoning behind Dirac’s subtraction renormalization and his asymptotic initial condition is purely mathematical rather than physical.  Wheeler and Feynman[viii] used retarded and advanced fields to develop a more physical theory based on the assumption that an electron, considered to be a point charge, does not interact with itself.  The interaction with other charges occurs by a sum of half the advanced field plus half the retarded field.  When  another charge a distance d  away absorbs an electromagnetic wave from an accelerating electron at the retarded time t’ = t + d/c, the charge also emits an advanced wave that reaches the electron at time t’ - d/c = t + d/c - d/c = t.   Thus, the advanced wave acts on the electron just as it begins to accelerate, giving the radiation reaction effect without electron self-interaction.

          As far as Dirac’s point charge model is concerned, his reasoning against Lorentz’s idea of electromagnetic mass is now outdated, since the neutron does have electromagnetic energy as a consequence of its magnetic moment, and the mass of the positron is now considered to be positive.  Also, presuming the existence of advanced fields, as in the Dirac and Wheeler-Feynman theories, is physically counter-intuitive, since the retarded fields “are the ones measured in a typical experiment.”[ix]  As Feynman[x] himself says, “You can see what tight knots people have gotten into trying to get a theory of the electron!”


A point charge theory such a Dirac’s or the Wheeler-Feynman absorber theory is desirable from the point of view of relativity because a perfectly rigid sphere is assumed to transmit mechanical waves instantaneously through its interior, thus violating the speed-of-light limitation of special relativity.  Also, an extended charge model that is not perfectly rigid would presumably have observable modes of oscillation, and so far the electron has not revealed such observable oscillations.  For these reasons, the extended charge model of the electron has remained in the backwaters of theoretical physics.

          In spite of its difficulties, the extended charge model is a successful nonrelativistic model which does not have infinite electromagnetic mass or runaway solutions or pre-acceleration problems.  In addition, certain modes of oscillation of the extended charge are predicted to be radiationless, and thus would be undetectable by radiation detectors.

          The most significant accomplishment of certain extended charge models is the replacement of Lorentz’s infinite series expansion with a delay-differential equation that has no third or higher order time derivatives of position. 

          For the spherical shell of charge of radius a, the expression for the charge distribution can be written in terms of the three dimensional Dirac delta function as


where r = |r|.  The Lorentz series expansion terms can then be summed to give the delay-differential equation[xi]

or in terms of the acceleration of the electron’s center of mass R,


where m  is the experimental mass of the electron,


where (Section 2.2)


Then the experimental mass of the electron, the speed of light, and the model electron’s radius can all be included in one factor,


which can be put in the electron center of mass self-acceleration equation above with terms rearranged to give


This equation for the spherical shell charge model was derived by Bohm and Weinstein[xii] and others.  It implicitly shows that there are runaway solutions only when the bare mass of the electron is negative.  That condition occurs when ct > a  or


when the electromagnetic mass of the spherical shell charge model is greater than the observed mass of the electron.  This condition is derived in a more explicit manner by Levine, Moniz, and Sharp.[xiii]

          One appealing aspect of the Bohm-Weinstein derivation when it was published in 1948 was their demonstration that the model electron’s self-oscillations (harmonic motions about the center of mass) could be quantized and the energy of the first excited state was approximately equal to the rest energy of a p meson or, in modern language, a pion.  In modern theory, however, the pion is a hadron rather than a lepton, and is thus composed of quarks.

          Overall, the extended charge model, although nonrelativistic, avoids the problems of infinite electromagnetic mass, runaways, and pre-acceleration.  As described by Milonni:[xiv]

          For most of the twentieth century the classical electron theory, based on the presumption of a point electron, has suffered from the runaway and preacceleration maladies, as well as the divergent electromagnetic mass.  It is seldom acknowledged that the classical theory is free of runaways if the radius of an extended charged particle is larger than the radius for which its observed mass would be entirely electromagnetic.

[i] Ibid., p. 148.
[ii] Erber, p. 350.
[iii] Milonni, p. 161.
[iv] Ibid.
[v] C.W. Misner, K.S. Thorne, and J.A. Wheeler, Gravitation, (W.H. Freeman, San Francisco, 1973), p. 474.
[vi] Rohrlich, p.22.
[vii] Milonni, p. 157.
[viii] J.A. Wheeler and R.P. Feynman, “Interaction with the Absorber as the Mechanism of Radiation,” Rev. Mod. Phys. 17, 157-    (1945).
[ix] Rohrlich, p. 22.
[x] Feynman, et al., Chapter 28.
[xi] Milonni, p. 166.
[xii] D. Bohm and M. Weinstein, “The Self-Oscillations of a Charged Particle,” Phys. Rev. 74, 1789-1798 (1948).
[xiii] H. Levine, E.J. Moniz, and  D.H. Sharp, “Motion of extended charges in classical electrodynamics,” Am. J. Phys. 45, 75-78 (1977).
[xiv] Milonni, p.168.